Techina 2023 show July-Sept

“Techinas”. ( The word “Techina” comes from the words “Technology” and “Kachina”. The combination suggests spirits of technology. Artist Don DeLeva believes that aspects of technology will be personified as technology evolves.)
Don DeLeva
This art is a pictorial journal of Don’s experiences living in this time of human history. It focuses mainly on moments in time and how context and personal perspective creates the viewer’s own narrative.
For more information about the show and Don DeLeva’s art please contact the Confluence gallery at:(509) 997-2787 (ARTS)
Below are the images that are on in the show.

Toro Del Fuego : oil on wood, 48″ x 60”

Techina of the Linemen: oil on wood, 48″ x 60″

Techina Realizing Itself: oil on wood, 38″ x 40″

Techina of the Grid, oil on wood, 32″x 40″

Techina #09, oil on wood, 11″x 17″

March of Spring , oil on wood, 11″x 17″

Techina #11, oil on wood, 20″x 20″

Techina #10, oil on wood, 20″x 20″